Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The s Arms Down, Out Of Breath - 1412 Words

Ebon put his arms down, out of breath. He imagined his master smiling and telling him what a good job he had done. The thought made him swell with pride. Something he saw yanked him out of his thoughts. The back of the crowd was stirring. He turned and cut the man, who was about to be burned, loose. â€Å"May the King bless you!† The man cried as he ran to the outstretched arms of his family. Ebon smiled as a deep sense of satisfaction washed over him. He then turned and pushed his way to the back of the crowd. He stood aghast at what he saw. The two Dark Wizards that had killed Eldon were fighting each other! The boy had drawn his sword and was hurling spheres of green light at the girl. The girl tried hard to deflect all of them with her sword. Dark Wizards could not do shield spells. The boy grabbed his sword with his other hand and pulled it apart. It split into two swords! His voice roared like thunder. â€Å"You are a disgrace to the Dark Wizards! You are a disgrace to me!† The boy continued to yell a spell that Ebon had never heard before. Ebon could see that the girl was beginning to lose the battle. He watched her swing her sword in vain. She kept stumbling back. Finally, she tripped and fell over. Her sword clattered a few feet away. Ebon found himself with an inner struggle. These were murderers. They killed without hesitation. They were ruthless, unstoppable, and unforgiving. But the boy was really about to kill her. Even if they were bad, he still felt a need to help. HeShow MoreRelatedI Felt My Heart Beating807 Words   |  4 PagesThree more steps. Thud. Thud. Two more steps. Thud. Thud. One more step. Jump. Closing my eyes I leaped into a swan dive with outstretched arms and wings. The moon was in the sky with the sun disappearing as I dropped. Opening my eyes I wrapped my wings into a tight dive. It was now dark and the moon gave a shape on the glossy water. 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