Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Ethics for Criminalizing Domestic Abuse-

Question: Discuss about theHealth Ethics for Criminalizing Domestic Abuse. Answer: Changes in health law related to fraud and abuse: Several incidences of fraud and abuse are reported within health care context. Many health law and regulations have been framed to take appropriate action against perpetrators of abuse and control future care of fraud and abuse. The most recent law related to addressing and criminalizing domestic abuse was implemented in Saudi Arabia in 2013 and it gave the governing agencies the authority to investigate about abuse allegations and take steps to maintain the safety of abuse victims. Currently, victims are protected from many cases of fraud and abuse. However, in the past, such stringent laws were not framed to protect people from abuse. Currently, legislation gives power to Gulf countries to act against abuse cases. However, still corruption laws are not uniformly enforced and punishments are selective (Vlieger, 2012). Effectiveness of the efforts to control fraud and abuse Two strategies implemented in Saudi Arabia to address abuse and fraud includes the campaign related to domestic violence and the single contract policy for fraudulent practices. The Saudi cabinet in 2013 approved law to make domestic violence a criminal abuse. However it has not yet been criminalized in the country. One major effort that acted against the domestic violence case included the No More Abuse campaign, which promoted existing legislations to criminalized domestic abuse. The campaign was highly successful as it changed Saudi mindset regarding complaining for abusive behaviour and encouraged people to talk about it (, 2018).Fraud and abuse in health insurance is also a major issue in health care and the implementation of single contract health insurance policy in Saudi Arabia has played a role in curbing fraudulent practices and manipulations in the health care sector. This effort has boosted the growth of health sector and ensured the expansion of health insurance t o employees (Woolhandler Himmelstein, 2017). References: (2018).Saudi Arabia: New Law to Criminalize Domestic Abuse. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved 12 March 2018, from Vlieger, A. (2012). Domestic workers in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates: Trafficking victims?.International Migration,50(6), 180-194. Woolhandler, S., Himmelstein, D. U. (2017). Single-payer reform: the only way to fulfill the president's pledge of more coverage, better benefits, and lower costs.Annals of internal medicine,166(8), 587-588.

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