Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Clinical Experience Nurse Practitioners - 982 Words

For my Clinical experience, I was referred to one of community clinics run by nurse practitioners - yes, NPs- in Suffolk County in Long Island by my coworker. It is called â€Å"Nightingale Preventative Care.† I am working in the ER and at first, I thought this clinic would be a type of urgent care office which is a similar setting to the ER. I was totally wrong. For the past two weeks, this place has surprised me many ways and I learned about what the community clinic is alike to its neighbors. Patients can be seen by NPs by the appointment. However, it is located inside of K-mart and has many walk-in patients as well. Many patients who come to visit for their check-up have no medical insurance. Every Wednesday, a representative from Fidelis Care insurance company comes and provides information about Medicaid and Medicare service the company has. I really like to sit down with patients and assess about their medical histories and family histories which I cannot do often in th e ER. I had a patient who was Hepatitis A Ab, Total positive Abnormal first day I work at the clinic. He didn’t understand what the test result meant and neither did I. I printed out an article from National Library of Medicine and went over with him. Patient’s education in the ER rarely happens from nurses. I felt great to listen what patients tried to lose their weight or quit smoking. I like to continue on developing skills on patient’s education and preventative care measure for patients. NightingaleShow MoreRelatedAdvanced Practice Nursing Roles961 Words   |  4 Pagescommunity hosts a variety of advanced practice nursing occupations. Clinical nurse leaders, nurse educators, nurse administrators, and clinical nurse specialists, along with nurse practitioners, augment the role of the nurse with higher education. Joel define advanced practice nursing as nurses assisting patients with medical maintenance in nearby areas (2013). 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