Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociology Deviant Essay - 1461 Words

Being Deviant for a Day In this project I decided to be over-talkative in the sense that whenever someone spoke to me and asked how I was doing or what was new in my life, I would go above and beyond what they probably were expecting me to do so. So for me being a deviant in this way made perfect sense because I normally don’t talk much about myself, more of a listener than anything. I started everything out by going about my normal day, errands and going to my college classes. So I went to Wal-Mart of all places and not even five minutes into my shopping there I ran into two friends that I haven’t seen in a long time, and of course they said, â€Å"So how have you been? Anything new going on in your life?† So I went into the deviance†¦show more content†¦So that we don’t loose touch again!† Major shock to me I was expecting that they would’ve said something more along the lines of â€Å"Dang girl, I didn’t think you woul d talk that much† or â€Å"You talked my ear off, I don’t like it when you talk so much!† But everyone was very understanding about everything, what I said about being pregnant again they gave me encouraging words that since I’m doing so well with my daughter now that I will do even better with my son when he arrives. Also that I’m a great mother and even though yes it is stressful I will make it through it all. As for how I felt during this whole experiment I just didn’t feel right, as in the sense that I normally don’t speak that much about myself at all. So for me being a deviant in this way made perfect sense because I normally I am more of a listener than anything. At first I didn’t know if I was even going to be able to pull this deviant behavior off. It was hard for me to keep a straight face, I kept laughing cause it just not me to talk so much. It was pretty funny that I acted so much like someone else. But later on I noticed that it was nice to do something different, it gave me a whole new perspective on things. Made me think about how I am with my friends when they are talking to me. Made me more aware of how I respond not only verbally but also non-verbally, because as I experienced it was crucial how I perceived how everyone reacted to me. I learned that theShow MoreRelatedSocial Deviance : A Sociological Perspective On Deviant And Criminal Behavior Within Sociology1160 Words   |  5 Pagesapproaches to understanding deviant and criminal behavior within sociology. Labeling theory begins with the assumption that no act is intrinsically criminal. Definitions of criminality are established by those in power through the formulation of laws and the interpretation of those laws by police, courts, and correctional institutions. Deviance is therefore not a set of characteristics of individuals or groups, but rather it is a process of interaction between deviants and non-deviants and the c ontext inRead MoreSociology: Value Conflict1346 Words   |  6 PagesSociology ï ¿ ½ PAGE * MERGEFORMAT ï ¿ ½1ï ¿ ½ Running Head: SOCIOLOGY Sociology ï ¿ ½ Sociology Value Conflict Objectivity means that the conclusions arrived at as the result of inquiry and investigation are independent of the race, color, creed, occupation, nationality, religion, moral preference and political predisposition of the investigator. If hi research is truly objective, it is independent of any subjective elements; any personal desires that he may have. Having said that, one can argue whetherRead MoreThe Ever-Changing Deviant Society Essay1499 Words   |  6 Pageshimself to his den for the rest of the evening. For this family, this happens daily and if were to not happen would cause concern and questioning. However, for the majority of Americans today this would be seen as hateful, wrong or deviant. Why is this not deviant to this particular family though? Soon you will learn the characteristics of deviance, relevancy of deviance to society, problems arising from deviance, causes of deviance and how deviance has changed throughout the years. So whatRead MoreWhat Deviance Is Today s Society Essay1081 Words   |  5 Pagesviews are functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Whether an act is labeled deviant or not depends on many factors, including location, audience, and the individual committing the act (Becker 1963) (OpenStax 143). Functionalism can be defined as the different elements that can contribute to a society as a whole. For example, someone who is homosexual would be considered deviant. Society sees that a homosexual is out of the norm. Sociologist use deviance to different theoriesRead MoreEssay about Sociology Midterm955 Words   |  4 Pagesconsideration other theories. It is not possible to understand why people act the way they do if we are not open to hearing their reasoning and thoughts. Our own thoughts are only one version of a sea of other versions, an important component of sociology. C. Wright Mills said that by using the â€Å"sociological imagination† we have a better ability to see patterns in society and identify how these patterns influence individuals and groups of individuals. We have all heard the saying â€Å"never judge a bookRead MoreThe Main Principles Of Functionalism1429 Words   |  6 Pageshas contradicting views and explanations on the purpose of the family unit in society. Conflict theory interprets the family as a system of power relations that reinforces and reflects the inequalities in society. (understanding a diverse society sociology pg399) These inequalities consist of gender, class, and ethnic inequalities. The gender roles keep the women from forming a career and labels her with a stigma if she chooses to not bear children. The socialization of children into their classesRead MoreExplain why is it important to analyse deviance in society. Using examples to illustrate your answer, discuss what such an analysis can tell us about the social and political implications of deviance.1365 Words   |  5 PagesSome types of deviance are determined by criminal law, others by social standards, morality, the expectations of certain social groups, the welfare system or the medical vocation (Roach-anleu 2003).It is subjective to classify what is regarded as deviant since norms and values vary across nations and culture. Various forms of action or behaviour may well be respected in one context, or by certain groups, but may also be viewed negatively by others (Giddens 2001:687). In this essay, we will look atRead MoreHoward S Becker1318 Words   |  6 PagesHoward Becker SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology Professor Smith March 4, 2012 Howard S. Becker Howard Becker was a famous American sociologist. He made several contributions in the fields of occupations, education, deviance and art and made several studies in those fields. He particularly made several studies in the field of social deviance and occupations. Most of studies went into the interactions between criminal people and regular people. Many of these studies included the criminalRead MoreSocietys Construction of Reality Essay711 Words   |  3 Pagesif not greater reactions which changes the way society functions. Society is composed of norms and sanctions. Norms are rules which mandate which things people should or should not do, say, or think in different situations(from: Sociology An Introduction). Norms are both written and non-written. The more flexible non-written norms are called folkways. These unspoken social rules know as folkways are usually ideas or habits that society has developed overtime and which are done asRead MoreDeviant Behavior1512 Words   |  7 PagesI’m on my way to Sociology class one day this semester, my Tuesday and Thursday 2:00pm session with Gloria Clay. I find myself in a bit of a rush this afternoon. Slept in late, had a lot of errands to run, lost track of time. At least I’m grateful that the weather is nice and the traffic is sparse today, but this doesn’t eliminate the fact that I’m not going to be on time for class. I am trying to stay relaxed in this situation but little do you know, I really hate running late for ev erything. It’s

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay about Violence In The Media - 1222 Words

amp;#61614; Violence in the Mediaamp;#61614; It’s the ever-present question that has been asked by authorities, educational institutes and parents alike. Does violence in the media influence the behavior of society? Some say yes, others say no. Other questions posed that I will try to clarify in this essay are those to do with what, if anything is being done to control this virus. To fully comprehend these questions we must first understand what is meant by violence in the media, and whom it effects, if anyone at all. Also, did violence in the media come first, or was it derived from violence in the ‘real world’? There are arguments that can be stated from both sides. Some say that escalation of violence in society is a symptom of†¦show more content†¦It is this type of situation that is the most worrying, as when these young children grow up to be adults, they will keep the same mentalities about violence, imitating it, and this could turn fatal. Imitation includes more than simply applying a crime technique the criminal learned by watching television. Fictional treatments of crime can inspire potential criminals. ‘John Hinckly drew encouragement in his attempt shoot President Reagan from the dozens of times he watched Taxi Driver, a movie about an assassin who stalks a presidential candidate and wins a young woman’s affection. The man who murdered 22 people in Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, in October 1991 was found with a ticket to the film The Fisher King in his pocket; the film depicts a mass murder in a restaurant’ (Kopel, David B, Spring 1995) Devastatingly enough, the murderers are now as young as 11 years old. In England in 1993, two-year-old James Bulger was murdered by a pair of eleven-year-olds. The last video rented by on murderer was Child’s Play 3. In the film, a baby doll comes alive and its face is splashed with blue paint. The murderers put blue paint on James Bulger’s face. The film Includes kidnapping, and Bulger was abducted before being killed. The climax of the film shows two boys killing the doll while mutilating the doll. James Bulger was mutilated, bludgeoned, and left on a railroad track to be run over. The relationship between media depictions of violence and violentShow MoreRelatedMedia Violence And The Media Essay864 Words   |  4 PagesExposure to the media violence may be especially problematic in late adolescence. Television and other media play a major role in adolescent socialization and identity development by providing perspectives, values, ideologies, and behavior models (Arnett G., Roberts D. et al.). The socializing role of television in particular may be ampliï ¬ ed by the large amount of time young people spend with this medium. Speciï ¬ cally, 18- to 24-year-olds spend more time watching television and movies than youngerRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1892 Words   |  8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazin es and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1949 Words   |  8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreViolence in the Media1047 Words   |  5 Pagesa law that bans violence in the media: in movies, on TV, in video games, and on the Internet? Adi Shimony Golden Gate University Today, media take a major part of our lives, shape our society and create reality.  The Banning violence in the media is an efficient approach the government should take to handle the growing violence in our society. I argue that the US Government should make a law that bans violence in the media. The law needs to limit broadcasting of violence content at timesRead MoreMedia Violence1105 Words   |  5 Pages Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment is NOT Justified â€Å"When I was at church they taught me something else/ If you preach hate at the service those words arent anointed/ That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned/ When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless/ Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen/ I might not be the same, but thats not important/ No freedom till were equal, damn right I support it.† These are lyrics from a songRead MoreMedia Violence1535 Words   |  7 Pagesat looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the developmentRead MoreMedia Violence1142 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen calculated that American kids see about 200,000 acts of violence and 25,000 murders on television by the time they reach age eighteen. (Schleifer 18) Arrests of people under the age of eighteen for violent crimes rose forty-seven percent from 1988 to 1992. (Miller 174) The American Medical Associ ation conducted a study that found a direct relationship between viewing and homicide. (Miller 176) Does this kind of overexposure to violence have a significant effect on children and teenagers? The answerRead MoreMedia Violence9754 Words   |  40 Pagesare among the greatest of imitatorsÂ… The debate over media violence has eluded definitive answers for more then three decades. At first glance, the debate is dominated by one question. Whether or not media violence causes real life violence and whether or not it has a negative effect of the modern day Canadian family. Closer examination reveals a political battle. On one hand, there are those who blame media violence for societal violence and want to censor violent content to protect our childrenRead MoreThe Violence Of The Media2018 Words   |  9 Pagesit was intended. With so many media outlets present in everyday life, it is not hard to imagine there being many concerns regarding violence in the media. This essay looks to explore why there is concerns regarding violence in the media, focusing on the glorification of violence. The essay will also look at the different types of media outlets, i.e. the music industry, film, television, internet and gaming, and how each of them may present a glorification of violence. The essay will look at the caseRead MoreMedia Violence And Crime Violence1168 Words   |  5 PagesMedia Violence and Crimes There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists (Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, like

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Diffrenece Between Hypothesis and Theory free essay sample

Difference between scientific law, theory and hypothesis 551 words In the world were living in nowadays people, groups or even some nations each has a different way of thinking. That’s why opinions were created and people could have different prospectives and different ideas were developed all over the past centuries. That variation of ideas, prospective and ways of thinking had lead into the creation for methods for proving something as an idea an experiment a suggestion, and others. This essay would be discussing those ways and their differences. Firstly, the first thing that leads into an opinion or way of seeing something is setting up your hypothesis, hypothesis is an educated guess based upon observation for a certain matter. It is an explanation of a single event or something based on what is observed not deeply observed but just observed, and it also has not been proved yet. Most hypotheses can be supported or disproved by experiment or a deep observation. We will write a custom essay sample on Diffrenece Between Hypothesis and Theory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some examples of hypothesis are, when an apple is put in the wind and sun it will rot, this is a simple example it’s based on what’s observed as when an apple is put in the sun it would rot but no further scientific explanation is given. After a hypothesis is set based on really weak and shallow observations it must be tested for that opinion or idea to be true it must be tested and observed scientifically and not only once it must be tried and observed a number of times, that what develops a theory and obeys scientific laws, a scientific law is a statement of fact that explains a certain matter or different action or habits. It is generally accepted to be true and universal and can be proved and tested widely and sometimes they could be written as mathematical equations. Scientific laws must be simple, true and universal. Going back to a theory it is noted as more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. It is an explanation and prove for your hypothesis and sets of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times. A theory could hold on a definition as it is the way people could know this certain idea or issue is true by repeated xperiments whom tern a hypothesis into a theory or it just keeps it a hypothesis untested. Some examples of scientific laws are some physics and maths rules as Newtons laws of motion, law of gravity, the laws of thermodynamics and other physics laws whom are proved and tested that’s why they turn into a scientific law. Sometimes some laws can turn to theories as the law of gravity and gravitational forces, as it could go more genera l to be turned into a theory. The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic. A law runs a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related matters and phenomenas. That’s what differs an experimented hypothesis whether it turns into a theory or it is more specified so it turns to be a law, an example of a theory is automobiles Components of it can be changed or improved upon and more things invented in it, without changing the overall truth of the theory as a whole that it is an automobile.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Angel Garcia\s Recommendation Letter Essays (392 words) - Fiction

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter of recommendation for Angel Garcia who is an applicant for your program for the Fall of 2018 semester. I had the distinct pleasure of serving as one of Angel's English instructors. I have evaluated several hundred students for awards, honors, admissions, etc., and feel that I can appropriately contextualize Angel's aptitude for advanced study. In my opinion, he is worthy of your most serious consideration. He has the strength of character, intellect, persistence and initiative to succeed in a challenging intellectual and cultural environment; further, he will enhance any cohort fortunate enough to include him. We were fortunate that he spent his high school years w ith us at Westchester Square Academy in the Bronx because he made every group he was in just a little bit better by virtue of his quiet, modeled excellence. I recommend him without reservation. I had the good fortune of seeing Angel excel in various phase s of his life here at Westchester Square Academy. I was one of his instructors during his junior year of high school where he earned high grades. During my time with Angel in the classroom it was clear that he was focused on his goals and was willing to wo rk very hard to succeed. He stood out because he was respectful, but determined. Some of Angel's academic credentials include maintaining a 3.5 GPA as well as achieving high honor roll throughout his years in high school. Angel's outstanding academic cred entials are matched by his commitment to school, and this engagement is what made him such a valuable member of our little world. In the community, Angel has participated in various walks to support a cause. There is nothing he involved himself here that didn't benefit from his involvement. We are lucky that people like Angel are able to learn and grow in our school, and your program will only make him stronger. I fully support Angel Garcia's application for admission. I know you will have many qualified applicants, but your choice of Angel will reflect very well on your careful screening process. Please contact me if I can further support this estimable young scholar. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Aquino English Teacher 347-944-2906 [emailprotected]

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Animal Farm, The Significance Of Squealer Essays - British Films

Animal Farm, the significance of Squealer Animal Farm, the significance of Squealer The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is an allegory portraying the dangers of a totalitarian government. It seeks to show how a society where all live completely equal has not been, and cannot be achieved. Orwell, through the use of the character Squealer, shows how propaganda can affect members of a communist society in a negative way. By drawing parallels to events in communist Russia, Orwell's Animal Farm illustrates how propaganda was used to control the Soviet people by deceiving them, threatening them and keeping them ignorant in an attempt to maintain order. The story uses simple language to explain and expose the corruption of communist Russia. Throughout the story, Orwell uses Squealer to illustrate how propaganda persuaded and victimized Russian citizens. Squealer is a sly, crafty pig who is not only intelligent, but a manipulative speaker as well. His cunning is key to the deception of the other animals. In chapter three, Squealer deceives the animals of the farm for the first time. The animals find out that the milk and apples are given solely to the pigs, and Squealer is sent to explain the uneven distribution of farm resources. "'Comrades' he cried. 'You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?'" (Orwell 42) He goes on to explain, " 'Milk and apples (this has been proved by science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers (42). Here, Squealer tries to convince the animals that it's for health reasons that they take the apples and milk, but he tries to persuade them in other ways as well. Squealer continues, " 'The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us.... It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples'"(42). Finally, he convinces them with fear. " 'Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!'" (42) Here, Squealer frightens the animals into submission with the threat of the return of Mr. Jones, the abusive farmer that was driven out of the farm by the animals. Squealer is desperate to obtain the apples and milk and will stop at nothing to manipulate the other animals into believing that the pigs should be the sole recipients of this luxury. By masking their true intentions by misleading the animals, the pigs are soon able to acquire whatever they want with little resistance. Orwell uses Squealer to represent the Pravda, the Russian newspaper controlled by the government during Joseph Stalin's regime. Orwell points out the corruption of the Soviet authority in his criticism of the propaganda used to subdue opposition from the masses. Orwell also criticizes the monopoly of all Russian media by the government. Squealer was the messenger of the government. It was his responsibility to inform the animals of the arrangements of labor distribution and any other relevant legislation or news. Orwell establishes that a government-run publication as the only source of public information will inevitably be biased. Napoleon, Orwell's representation of the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, stops his association with the animals in chapter eight. "All orders were now issued through Squealer or one of the other pigs" (89). Squealer is the only source of data the farm animals have. The animals have no way to dispute or question any of the statistics he delivered. "There were times when it seemed to the animals that they worked longer hours and fed no better than they had in Jones's day. On Sunday mornings Squealer, holding a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred per cent, three hundred per cent, or five hundred per cent as the case might be" (89). Squealer is the liaison between the government and the public. Though the animals believe they are being fed the same amount as when Mr. Jones was in power, their government information source showed figures to the contrary that the populace couldn't dispute. Orwell was able to show that by keeping the public in ignorance, communism can be carried out without interference. In addition to being a corrupt media source, Orwell shows how the Pravda was used completely as a tool to glorify Joseph Stalin and Communism as well as slander capitalism and anyone that might oppose him. Squealer is a pawn of the Animal Farm government. He

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Are we living in an Age of Empire

Are we living in an Age of Empire The term â€Å"Empire† has a common meaning of the notion of a state headed by an emperor or a monarch together with culturally distinct people. The most salient political in the empire were customarily between noble elite and the lower. An Empire is a systematically organized governing organ that formulates and amends state’s policies. Empires act as a bridge between the government and its colonies in overseas countries. An Empire play a significant role in the importation and exportation of products.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Are we living in an Age of Empire? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An empire can be an official or casual association, in which a nation rules the political dominion of another government. An empire is earned through dictating. It is also achieved by using supreme power, taking sides, unions, fiscal manipulations and communal or literal reliance. Imperialism is any course of action together with martial belligerence through which a state builds and implements its authorities over other countries. Imperialism is the segregation and sustenance of an economical, cultural, and defensive affiliation between two or more countries. The primary objective of modern imperialism is to face out slavery, which act as a way manipulating and employing free labor in abroad countries. Imperialism is the act of emphasizing and investing in the local economy in order to increase the output and earning per capita in the country. This will help the state to exercise her political rule over other states to control and dictate their markets. Examples of empires include Akkadian, Babylonian, Bornao, British, Egyptian, Median, Ottoman,Oyo, Roman and the Soviet Empire. The British Empire has remained the single source of investment before the Second World War. The export of capital from Britain for investment in colonial territories was estimated to be roughly five percent of earning per capita in the period between 1871 and 1915. The averaged national income increased to six percent between the periods 1904 to 1914. It later increased to ten percent in the subsequent years. The British Empire ruled many overseas countries. South American was a British and its counties include Falklands Island and British Guiana. Honduras is a Central American state which colonized by the British. West Indian countries such as Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, Grenada, Bahamas and Bermuda made up the British Empire. Some Africa states such as Gambia, South Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Sierra Leon, Nigeria and Gambia were colonized by the British. Indian Oceans counties such as Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and Ascension made up the British Empire. Pacific Islands consisting of Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Tonga and Fiji were British colonies. Other countries include Hong Kong, Singapore, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, New Zealand, Ca nada and Australia.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More British imported more commodities from overseas. She exported less and her expenditure was more than the income. This led to an existence of a trade deficit between imports and exports. The British Empire played a key role in reclaiming the economic instability by reducing the trade deficit. The empire controlled the inflow of goods from India. The imperial government had the mandate to dictate, force the citizens to pay taxes and lay siege to the industries. The governors stopped the boats, disrespect their economic, social, cultural and personal rights. The British Empire promised to maintain a well-equipped Navy before declaring war. The governors claimed that if they did not set free the territories of their Indian and American associates from the French imperialism, their land and wealth would be compromised or taken. Th e British Empire controlled the whole of Indian land and other hundred of thousands of people in the overseas. A combination of economic factors and the strong navy enabled Britain to emerge as Europe’s strongest nation. The Roman Empire consisted of three spheres. The first sphere is the outer ring of the frontier province in which the defensive armies were stationed. There was an inner ring of relatively rich tax-exporting provinces such as Egypt, Syria, Minor, Asia, Northern Africa, Southern Gaul and Spain. The Roman Empire also had a Center ring consisting of the city of Rome and Italy, the seat of the court and of the central government, which like the armies of the frontiers, consumed large volume of taxes. The Roman Empire model implies an increased monetization of the Roman economy, the commercialization of the Roman exchange rate, and elongation of the links between producers and consumers. The growth of the bankers, shippers, and traders propelled the level of urban ization. Even as the sphere of monopoly enlarged, the Roman Empire had no influence on the printing of money and minting of silver coins by the conquered states. In the 70Bc, Spain began using Roman coins as a means of exchange. Some trade agreements include Bilateral, Multilateral, regional (NAFTA and EU), non-regional (AESAN) and Global (from GAAT to WTO). The roles of World Trade Organization (WTO) include promoting world trade, providing a framework for trade negotiations and providing a mechanism for resolution of trade disputes. The United States of America holds seventeen percent of the total votes required to make changes. The U.S therefore, plays a key role in voting in favor or against trade agreements or disputes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Are we living in an Age of Empire? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The United States has voted against new international agreements and rejected the unilateral v iolation of old agreements. Agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol on climate and the international criminal court go against the interest of humans and therefore, they have been rejected. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a firm owned by a hundred and eighty-eight states trading together in order to enhance international economic cooperation, stabilize the fiscal and monetary aspects, promote global trade, increase employment level, boost economic progress, and face out deficiency around the world. The World Bank is a global financial institution that seeks to provide financial and technical assistance to the underdeveloped countries. The mission of the bank is to reduce poverty. The period between1997 and 1998, a research showed that African countries’ gross domestic product paid to the International Monetary Fund was estimated to be nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This was comparatively more than what the bank loaned to the continent. In 1998, internationall y underdeveloped nations owed the lenders from private banks to the World Bank approximately three trillion dollars. In 1997, the countries owed a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Unless the International Monetary Fund approves or adheres to the economic policies recommended, the underdeveloped nations may not automatically get the money they borrowed from the lenders. Some countries have been classified as poor and relentlessly indebted low incomers. Most of these counties are found in the sub-Saharan Africa. The gross domestic product increased from twenty-eight percent to Chad in the year 1987 to sixty percent in the year 1997. Tanzania’s budget is greatly diminished by the payment money owed to various lenders. This is estimated to be five times greater than the country’s expenditure on the primary education. The life expectancy in Niger is forty-seven years. Niger’s expenditure on the payment of debt is greater than the expenditure on education and medica tion. The sub-Saharan countries expenditure on the payment of debt is five times more than the expenditure on medication. The United States of America has a great military influence. U.S regulates global policies by using commands. It has implemented a strong navy in the sea to monitor the movement of sea vessels and fight pirates. The U.S has promised sustenance of the counties lying from Korea to Israel.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The U.S controls the global economy and the balance of trade. The U.S fulfills the needs of everyone in the world. The budget of the American military has been high with a gross domestic of five percent. This is high, compared to other economies for example China, Britain, Japan whose gross domestic products are two percent, three percent and one percent respectively. George W. Bush said the United States of America is a country dedicated delivering freedom to everyone despite the background affiliations. He said that America do not have any intentions to establish an Empire It is true that we are living in an age if empire. This is because of the decentralized system of governance, large flows of trade or large scale of inter-regional flows, the transfer of resources from the periphery to the centre, specialization, circulation of different currencies, and huge military spending and application of force by the governments.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Epidemiologists Analyzing Disease Frequency Essay

Epidemiologists Analyzing Disease Frequency - Essay Example Measures: Attributable proportion among total population is the appropriate measure. In the present scenario, freshman students who gained weight in a period of one year are calculated from total freshman college students. Total number of college student is the denominator. Measures: The cumulative incidence is a measure of occurrence of new cases of the disease of interest in the population. It is the proportion of individuals who, on an average, will contract the disease of interest over a specified period of time. The estimated risk (R) is a proportion between the new cases and the persons at risk. The numerator is the number of newly affected persons (A), called cases by epidemiologist, and the denominator is the size (N) of the unaffected population. R= New cases (A)/Persons at risk (N) Prevalence indicates the number of existing case of the disease of interest within a population. Specifically, the point prevalence (P) refers to the proportion of a population that has the disease of interest at a particular time, for example, on a given day. This value is estimated by dividing the number of existing affected individuals or cases (C), by the number of persons in the population (N). Prevalence (P) = Cases(C) / Number of people (P) Measures: Relative risk (RR) is the ratio of the incidence of the disease or death among those exposed and the incidence among those who are not exposed. The term 'risk ratio' is also used to refer to relative risk. RR = incidence among exposed / incidence among unexposed. In this case, the incidence is 60/1000 among those exposed and 20/1000 among those who are unexposed. Therefore, the relative risk is 60/20 = 3. This indicates that risk of death among exposed group is 3 times than that of the unexposed group. The prevalence of a health condition is the existing number of cases of that condition in the population. State whether the factors listed below are likely to increase or decrease the prevalence of a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Security Risk Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Security Risk Management Plan - Essay Example It is a continuous ongoing process throughout the project life, and it includes process of planning, identification, analysis and finally monitoring and control. With new risk identified with time these processes are updated. With the Rural Internet Kiosk, quite a number of risks are assessed to happens along the setting up of the whole organization and is mainly divided into four; the general management, personnel policies, insurance and general protection against fraud, terrorism and many other potential threats. The potential risk focused at the main four areas need senior management consideration because they will end up affecting the final project production, because for a organization to be secure and firm it need good management, with good management comes good personnel policy for the employees, both employee and whole organization insurance and finally the general protection from harm e.g. theft, fraud, robbery. This plan clearly shows how these stated risks are considered a nd the finally actions taken to monitor them for the successful running of the Rural internet kiosk to benefit the whole community. This process of identifying and documenting these events that pose this major threats to the outcome of the rural internet kiosk is just the first step. It’s of a vital importance to monitor all risks on a scheduled basis by a risk management team and finally give a report on the project status. RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The risk management strategy is divided into 3 parts, these are risk identification, risk responsibility and risk response. Risk identification is where the risk is selected, the responsibility is where this particular risk is distributed to different stakeholder and response are the steps taken to monitor the risk . BASIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT RISKS AND TRAINING RISKS GOOD MANAGEMENT Rural internet kiosk should have a strategic plan and effective leadership that will make sure that the organizational resources are closely aligned to accomplish the organizational mission, all its staff and other volunteers are fairly treated to comply with rules and regulations. Joe the Chief executive officer will be in charge monitoring all the risk related to management. With all the risk considered, the role of the Board and its executives are defined and respected, us the executive director appointed as the manager of the organization’s operation the board will be focused on policy and planning. The board of directors will be recruited, selected and employ the executive director providing clear expectations and qualifications of the position including reasonable compensation . UP-TO-DATE, REVIEWED PERSONNEL POLICIES: It’s good practice for every organization to have up-to date policies that guide the various relationships between staff and management. Ann who is in charge of Human resource department will monitor risk that affect human personnel. From heuristics, it’s clearly noticed that lawsuits rega rding harassment, wrongful termination and discrimination, salary actions and disagreements about promotions are on the increase. For this Rural Internet Kiosk, parties to this lawsuit will include the management and the organization members. It’s also good practice that these personnel policies should be reviewed at least once a year by experts about all of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - Essay Example People live in huts known as obis which are built at the center of the compound. Polygamy is also accepted in this community; as one man can marry as many women as he likes because having multiple wives and children is considered to be a source of wealth or that one was rich. Men and women had different roles in the community; men were responsible for growing yams as it was the most important crop in the community while women grew the less important crops like cocoa- yams, beans, cassava e.t.c. The setting also enables us to follow and understand the Igbo way of life. The people of Umuofia have some significant ceremonies like the week of peace that was greatly observed by everyone, and nobody caused any trouble during the celebration as seen (Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart. Page 23) Okonkwo is fined for beating his wife during the festival. This was followed by the planting of yams then the new yam feast. Other celebrated activities also include dance, rites of passage and above all proverbs. The people of Umuofia loved their proverbs, and they never missed to us them in all occasions. They even have a proverb that says â€Å"words are the palm-oil with which word are eaten†. Religion is very valuable to the people of Umuofia as the egwugwu are deeply respected and are believed to keep the peace in the land and administer justice. A lot of people was talented in Arts e.g. Okonkwo’s father they were good in music and poetry, thing that according to Okonkwo w ere not manly, and he hated hearted Arts and those who did them. Everyone in the community had something to add to the progression of the community including women and children. Laziness was discouraged and rebuked as in many other African communities. A lot has changed since the time of the setting of this great book; for example, today in my community we do not celebrate agricultural patterns or dance among others. Polygamy is also not practiced in my community, unlike Umuofia. However, we have wedding, dance celebrations, and we also do farming as the main economic activity. The setting of a book is what builds it. It is through setting that we are able to discover the economic activities of the community, its social activities, culture, and location among other factors that build the body of the book. A rural setting is always attractive and very informative compared to other kinds of settings. Question 2 Achebe wrote the novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart† to educate people, and to combat demeaning stereotypes about Africa. However, he does not present the Igbo society as ideal. He criticizes some aspects of the community through his characters. Achebe seems to challenge some traditional beliefs and practices. For example, the killing of Ikemefuna, Okonkwo’s adopted son. He does this through the character Obierika (Okonkwo’s best friend) who refused to join the rest of the village men in the walk to the forest were the boy was to be killed by say that he has better things to do(Chinua Achebe, Things fall Apart, page 32). Obierika also told Okonkwo that his deeds would not please the earth because of the men’s actions. This turns out to be true later, although Okonkwo disagrees with him, but he is later faced with a great misfortune and is exiled from his home for seven years. This shows that Achebe does not agree with the murder of the young boy for he had committed no crime to be killed in that manner. Achebe

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits of Linux Operating System

Benefits of Linux Operating System TASK 01 Evaluate the benefit of Linux operating system as interoperable and alternative NOS for the company in the form of a feasibility report to include the following: The comparative Networking features of Windows and Linux. Interoperability features of Ubuntu with the existing Microsoft Windows Workstations. You need to install Ubuntu on a machine and configure network services for Windows and Linux mainly for file sharing and printing. Necessary screen shots have to be provided. Enumerate the various costs associated with the performance, security, support, and maintenance of the Ubuntu within the bank. Answers What is Windows? Microsoft Windows is a series of computer operating systems and GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) produced by Microsoft Corporation. Windows was the first operating environment introduced by Microsoft in 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS. Windows was introduced because of the growing interest in Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Then Windows dominated the worlds personal computer market, overtaking the Mac OS, which had been introduced previously. Microsoft has introduced two parallel routes in their operating systems. One route is for Home users and the other route is for Professional IT users. The home versions have greater multimedia support and less ability for network and security. But Professional versions have low multimedia capabilities and better networking and security. Windows operating systems are commercial products and we should purchase license in order to use the products. And also the source code of windows products are closed and owned by Microsoft. Linux is a free and open source Operating System referring to Unix-type operating systems originally created by Linus Torvalds with the support of developers all over the world. Linux source code is freely available to everyone and anyone can freely modify and redistribute both commercially and non-commercially. Linux kernel can be defined as one of the best kernels that uses today. And further, many organizations have begun to use Linux based operating systems because of its high security and low cost. Linux is well known for its use in servers. And also Linux can be installed on vast variety of hardware, such as mobile phones, watches, mainframes, supercomputers and etc. Fedora, Suse, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Red Hat are some popular distributions of Linux. Comparative Features of Windows and Linux Malware Threats Security is a vital feature that every Operating System (OS) should provide. Because operating system is a key requirement of every computer system. Therefore everything depends on it. Malware or Malicious Software is a computer program that is designed by computer criminals in order to damage the systems and theft important information from computer systems. Therefore a network OS should have a thorough security. Without security, the network is vulnerable to larger number of threats. Windows Microsoft Windows OS is the most popular operating system in the world. It runs nearly 90% of desktop computers in the consumer market, and is the main operating system of the vast majority of commercial and institutional users. Therefore this makes windows equipped machines larger target of malware (or malicious software) which is written by computer criminals who want to cause much damage to the system. According to the surveys that conducted by Kaspersky Lab have revealed that more than 11,000 malware programs for windows were discovered just in the second half of 2005. And also nearly one million Windows based computers have been infected with Botnets (Botnet is a small computer program used to control other computers remotely). In windows based computer systems some malware are very hard to remove without using an Anti-Malware program. Linux In year 2006 approximately 800 Linux malware were discovered. Most of the malware are propagated through the Internet. Usually Linux based malware are extremely rare. But there may have a possibility of spreading malware to the Linux based systems if they are connected with Windows based systems. Because of the rarity of malware threats, there is no initial requirement for Anti-Malware programs in Linux based systems. But anti-malware software such as ClamAV and Panda Security are rarely used for Linux servers for more security. Resource Sharing Computer Network is a set of interconnected computers that is used to share resources such as printers, scanners, information, storage and etc. Therefore operating systems should support for reliable resource sharing. Reliable resource sharing increases the networks performance. Linux and Windows belong to two different platforms. Though they provide different facilities, they provide they initial requirements of a network. Usually Linux performs well for file sharing and Windows performs well for Printer, Scanner and other hardware resources sharing. Cost For desktop or home use, Linux is very cheap or free, and Windows is so expensive. For sever use, Linux is very cheap when comparing with Windows. Microsoft allows a single copy of Windows to be used on only one computer. In contrast, once we have purchased Linux, we can run it on any number of computers for no additional change. For instance in year 2005, Windows XP Professional Edition was sold for $200 and Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with 10 Client licenses was sold for $1,100. But we can download Linux distributions freely from their web sites. Otherwise we can purchase a assorted distributions of Linux in a box with CD and manuals and technical support for around $40 to $80. Bugs All software has and will have bugs (programming mistakes). Linux has a reputation for fewer bugs than Windows. Windows is developed by faceless programmers whose programming mistakes in Windows are hidden from the outside world because Microsoft does not publish the particular source code for Windows. Microsoft believe that their source code as a trade secret. In contrast, Linux is developed by hundreds of programmers all over the world. They publish the source code of the operating system to the world. Therefore it is stronger and less vulnerable for threats. That is why most of the organizations use Linux for their networks. Linux is getting update from many talented programmers all over the world. Network Configuration When comparing with Linux network configuration, Windows configuration is easier. Because of generally Windows is based on GUI (Graphical User Interface). Therefore anyone can understand Windows based network configuration without having much knowledge. But Linux is generally based on Command Line or Terminal and there should have a good knowledge about Linux in order to implement a network by using Linux. File System In Windows based systems the support NTFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF and others. But in Linux based systems they use ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, JFS, XFS, and others. When comparing with Windows, Linux supports for many file systems. But now Windows has 3rd party drivers for ex2, ex3, ReiserFS, HFS and others. System Stability Windows operating systems based on the NT kernel and it much more stable than the other older versions of Windows. But if we are using unsigned or beta drivers, it can lead to decreased system stability. Linux window manager is a key component of X-Windows based GUI system and can be highly stable. Mechanisms used to terminate badly behaving applications exist at multiple levels, such as Ksysguard and the kill command. If the GUI fails Linux can use a text based system. This feature is a powerful feature in Linux for network stability. Interoperability features of Fedora 12 with Windows Within this task I used Fedora 12 instead of Ubuntu. Windows and Fedora belong to two different platforms. Therefore their mechanisms are different. That is why the feature interoperability is needed. Interoperability can be defined as the ability to work with each other. In order to exchange messages between each different platform reliably without any errors or misunderstandings, there should have a common background between each platform. Likewise Windows and Linux (or Fedora 12) also has that kind of common grounds that support for exchange messages between each platform. Samba Samba can be defined as a re-implementation of SMB/CIFS networking protocols. It was developed by Australian Andrew Tridgell. It provides various facilities for file and printer sharing between Windows, UNIX and UNIX like systems such as Linux, Solaris, AIX, and Apples Mac OS X server systems. Samba runs on most systems and now it has become a standard of most of the distributions of Linux (such as Fedora, Redhat, Mandriva, Suse and etc). When we need to share files and printers between different platforms such as Windows and Fedora, we should have to configure Samba. That is how we make interoperability between each platform. DHCP DHCP is short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol used for assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With a dynamic addressing, a device can have a different IP addresses every time it connects to the network. Though some systems and devices are allow to change the IP addresses while it is still connected, DHCP also supports a mix of static and dynamic IP addresses. DHCP simplifies the network administration because the DHCP server keeps the track of IP addresses rather than requiring an administrator to manage the task. I consider that the DHCP is also an interoperability feature because it can assign IP addresses to any platform such as Windows and Fedora. When a LAN network has a mixture of a Windows and Linux based computers, DHCP can assign IP addresses to all computers without a barrier of the platform. X Windows System The X Windows system is a windowing graphical user interface that almost, but completely, entirely unlike Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh. This X Windows System is an open, client/server system that for managing a windowed graphical user interfaces in distributed network. Earlier UNIX based systems used Shell as an interface. Shell is an inbuilt special program that allows users to enter commands in a CLI or Command Line Interface. But the new versions of UNIX-like systems heavily use X Windows as a Windows like graphical user interface. Earlier it was very difficult to work with Windows and Linux through CLIs. Because of Window was completely GUI (Graphical User Interface) and Linux was completely CLI. But now the new distributions of Linux come with the X-Windows capability. Therefore now the both systems can work more reliably and easily as a whole. X Windows is also an interoperability feature that is provided by Fedora 12 in order to work with windows systems much easily. TCP/IP TCP/IP shorts for Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. Generally it is a protocol suit that is used for the internet. It provides easy communication across different platforms and provide basis for the global internet. And also it can be defined as a basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or extranet). When we set up with direct access to internet, our computer is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other computer that we may send messages to or get information from also has a copy of TCP/IP. In an intranet there may have computers with different platforms such as Windows and Linux. But using TCP/IP protocol we can connect these computers. Both Windows and Linux distributions support for TCP/IP. Therefore it can also be considered as an interoperability feature of Windows and Linux. DNS DNS is Short for Domain Name System. DNS is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, theyre easier to remember. The internet is based on IP addresses. Every time when we use a domain name, DNS server must translate the name into the particular IP address. In intranets also some organizations use DNS servers to name their network computers. Though it is a Windows based computer or a Linux system, it carries out its task perfectly. Because DNS also has a interoperability feature to work with different platforms. Enumerate the cost associated with the Performance, Security,Support and Maintenance of Fedora 12 within the Bank. For this Task I used Fedora 12 instead of using Ubuntu. Because Ubuntu do not have an inbuilt a Samba server facilities and it should be downloaded as a third party tool. But Fedora 12 has those facilities for printer and file sharing. Performance Performance is a vital part of a network. The efficiency of a network depends on the hardware and software performance. To the banks network I used one of the distributions of Linux called Fedora 12 as the NOS (Network Operating System). Generally Linux based operating systems are lightweight and need low performances. As the other distributions of Linux, Fedora 12 is also a lightweight operating system that requires low performance hardware. Bank is a place where many transactions are taken place every second across their branches and other networks. Therefore the banks network should be stable and reliable. Due to these reasons a bank should use trusted and reliable hardware and software in order to increase their network performances. Usually the costs of network devices are relatively high in the modern market. And also the network operating systems like Windows are extremely expensive. Therefore by using a free and open source OS like Fedora 12 we can reduce the money wastage. Further it does not need high performance computers for installation and does not consume lots of hard disk space like Windows does. Fedora 12 provides online updations and does not have a limit on installation. One copy of Windows can be installed to a one computer only. Otherwise we have to buy license. But Fedora 12 can be installed to any number of computers without any limitations. According to those above reasons I think that Fedora 12 provides good performances and also it is more cost effective when comparing with Windows. Security Security is a key requirement of a network. Otherwise anyone and any malware can attack and theft the important information from the network. Therefore OS (Network Operating System) developers try to increase OSs security features. If theres no security within an OS, then it is totally fails. Fedora 12 is a distribution of Linux and it is categorized as Free and Open Source Software. Linux based systems and their source codes are freely available to anyone and can be modified as required. Fedora 12 has also been developed by many programmers all over the world and it is a strong operating system. But windows based systems are commercial OSs and they do not publish their source code to the public. Therefore it is developed by limited programmers and there security is also limited. That is why we need third party security tools to protect windows based systems. The third party trusted and reliable Anti-Virus guards or third party security systems are more expensive and it is an additional cost to the windows based systems. But Fedora 12 has a strong in-built security mechanism (but Windows dont have) such as DPI (Data Packet Inspection) and ISD (Intrusion Detection System). Because it is developed by many programmers all over the world. Therefore it doesnt need any third party virus guards. The cost for additional security efforts has reduced in Fedora 12. Therefore Fedora 12 is a cost effective operating system when comparing with Windows. And also it is the best choice for a cost effective banks network system. Support Computer operating systems and other software are not 100% perfect. That is why the manufactures provide support for their products. When a problem is taken place in a system, we can get the manufacturers support to solve the problem. And also manufactures provide patches and other updations to reduce the vulnerabilities of their products. Microsoft Windows also provide free updations and online support for their products after they are purchased. Though Windows provides free online support services for their products without any payments, Fedora and other Linux based operating systems do not provide free support services. If we need to get a support from Linux based system, we should pay some amount of money for their service. But they provide 24 hours update service for their products. In Fedora should have to pay for their services. Though the support service is not cost effective for the bank, the OS is totally free for download. Maintenance After installation and Configuration every computer system need to be well maintained. Windows systems are much easy to maintain because it doesnt need well trained persons (compared with Linux). But Linux systems are more complex and cannot install, configure and maintain if theres no knowledge of it. In order to maintain the Fedora system in the bank, the bank needs a well trained personnel or network administrator. Anyone cannot maintain a Linux system; therefore the cost of a Linux based network system administrator is higher when comparing with a Windows Network System Administrator. Manufactures support is always need for system maintenance. But we need to buy the service advices in Fedora form its manufacture. TASK 02 Research and produce a comprehensive project plan for the implementation of a VPN within the company. This should include the following: A brief overview of current VPN technologies (both hardware and software). Design a suitable VPN using appropriate Internet Service Providers (IPS) for the requirements of the bank. Identify and list the hardware and software required to implement the banks VPN. Produce a schedule for the implementation of the VPN, detailing the installation of any necessary hardware, network operating system upgrades and associated applications software required. Write a section of the report on the responsibilities and level of service required from an ISP in order to implement a successful VPN within the company. Answers Although the topic VPN or a Virtual Private Network is a much complex subject in networking field, the basic idea of a VPN is quite simple. A corporation may have a number of officers (or group of officers) in different locations, and each of these locations can have its own local network. In many corporations there are many employees working remotely by connecting to the corporations local network at home or on the road. And also business partners can join together in extranets to share business information. Interconnecting these separate networks and locations over a public network is called a VPN or a Virtual Private Network. The apparent simplicity of VPN makes us think that it is a simple concept. But there is an ever-increasing number of VPN types, and a huge range of technologies for implementing VPNs are available today. This makes us easy to decide the most appropriate VPN solution for our need. The most common way to interconnect sites has been to use ATM or Frame Relay (FR) leased lines supplied by a service provider. The following parts of this task describe the VPN technologies, cost effective hardware and software solutions and responsibilities and level of services required from the ISP (Internet Service Provider). VPN Technologies As I mentioned above, VPN is a complex subject in networking. Therefore different sort of VPN technologies are introduced for different purposes. These technologies provide secure and cost effective solutions for telecommuters, home based workers, road warriors, remote sales people, mobile executives and also for global business. Within this task I expect to provide a short description about the current VPN technologies that are widely used today. I divide these technologies into two major parts such as Hardware Technologies and Software Technologies. According to my perception, I believe that the VPN protocols that are used to establish a VPN connection should also be a part of the software technologies. Because these protocols are created by using specialized algorithms and programming languages. Therefore I consider those protocols as Software Technologies within this task. Software Technologies PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) protocol technologies are heavily based on this PPP (Point-to-Point protocol) technology. PPP was designed to send data across dial-up or dedicated connections. PPP technology is used to encapsulate IP packets within PPP frames and then transmits the encapsulated packets across a point-to-point link. PPP was specially designed to use between dial-up clients and NASs (Network Attached Storage). PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) PPTP is one of VPNs first protocols built on PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) to provide remote access for VPN solutions. PPTP technology encapsulates PPP frames in IP datagrams using GRE or Generic Routing Protocol. PPTP uses authentication techniques within PPP. PPTP can be used for remote access and router-to-router VPN connections. The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection for tunnel management and GRE for encapsulation. L2F (Layer Two Forwarding Protocol) L2F was designed to transmit data from corporate sites to their users by using tunnels. This protocol or VPN technology was first implemented in CISCO products. L2F doesnt depend on IP and its the only way that it differs from PPTP. This protocol accepts other authentication mechanisms and allows tunnels to support more than one connection. L2F uses PPP for authenticate the remote user and its done twice at the ISP and then the second at the gateway to the connecting LAN. This is a Layer-2 protocol and handles IPX and NetBEUI as well. L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) L2TP is a combination of L2F and PPTP and it exists in the second layer of the OSI reference model. That is why it named as Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol. L2TP is defied for packet media, Frame relay, ATM and X.25. It has its own tunneling protocol and uses PPPs PAP and other advanced mechanisms for authentication. Its encryption method is based on IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) IPSec is a solution for VPN security and it exists in the third layer of the OSI reference model. IPSec uses number of encryption technologies to provide confidentiality and integrity of data. IPSec allows senders to authenticate and encrypt each packet. There are two modes of IPSec such as Transport mode and Tunnel mode. These two modes depend on the situation of security and traffic. Transport mode authenticates and encrypts the transport segment of an IP packet, and tunnel mode authenticates and encrypts the whole IP packet. VPN Client Software VPN Client software provides protected access to corporate resources via wireless, broadband, and dial-up connections with robust encryption and broad support across multiple connection types. Most of the modern VPN software simplifies the configurations of security policies and management of certificates through its graphical user interface. Microsoft, Netgear, Stone Gate and CISCO are some popular manufactures for VPN client software (But each of these manufactures use different sort of technologies to implement these VPN client software). Hardware Technologies VPN Router In network communication, data are transferred in the form of packets. Usually a router is a hardware device or a computer that looks at the IP packets and decides how to forward it. Routers operate at the network layer of the OSI reference model and that is used to connect networks or connect the networks to the internet. When a packet is received from the NIC (Network Interface Card) card, the router reads the IP address on the packet and forwards it to the appropriate network interface. The packet forwarding depends on the IP address and routing information that contains in the packet header. Even if the network architecture differs, the router has the capability to connect them. Though it can connect different network architectures, I cannot transform data from one data format to another (TCP/IP to IPX/SPX). Software for VPN router functions or normal router functions can be added to a server or a specialized computer that is optimized for communication. VPN Concentrator VPN Concentrator is a device that is used to combine several communications channels into one. And also it is further used to tie multiple terminals together into one line. Although a device called Multiplexor carries out the same function as VPN concentrator, the total bandwidth of the concentrators inputs is not equals to its outputs. The concentrator has the ability to store data temporary but the multiplexor does not have this ability. An Ethernet hub, which is a multiport repeater, is sometimes called as a concentrator. VPN Gateway Although a VPN Gateway can be implemented as both Hardware and Software, I consider this as a hardware technology because for the ease of categorization. VPN Gateway is a device (can be a Hardware/Software) that is used to convert packets from one network protocol to another. Gateway acts as an entry and exit point of data where some kind of processing is done on the information that passes through it. Sometimes the VPN Gateway also called as a router or Layer 3 Switch. Gateway is a device that is used to join two networks together. It can be implemented completely in hardware, completely in software or as a combination of both. VPN Firewalls Firewall can be implemented as both hardware and software or as a combination of both. But I included VPN Firewalls in the VPN Hardware category because for the ease of categorization. Network security is a major need of an organization. Firewall is one such solution that allows the computer to prevent unauthorized access of any application on the computer. Firewalls monitor traffic in the computer or the network. This monitoring can be done by the software in the computer or router. When using a VPN in an organization, the organization has a great requirement of using a firewall solution. Because of there may have a possibility of unauthorized access to the organizations confidential information. By using VPN firewall technology we can reduce the outside threats. Even though the above technologies directly look like just software and hardware, they all have a complex technology encapsulated within them. The above VPN technologies are widely used within the modern VPNs. Description of Banks VPN Due to the requirements of the bank I designed a VPN that provides cost effective networking solutions. The bank needs their agents and branches to connect to the banks network secure through VPN. Therefore I designed a network that provides the above facilities. When designing the banks network I assumed that the particular bank is the head office and the agent is another organization. Although the bank may have many agents and branches, Ive mentioned only one agent and a one branch within this network overview. Banks head office is the place where many of the confidential information about the transactions are stored. Therefore its network should be more secure than any other else. According to my VPN design I connected the banks network to the internet through an ISP (Internet Service Provider) in order to get the VPN access. The bank connects with the ISP directly using a VPN Router (this router is highly configured and cannot be accessed by the unauthorized VPN clients). Then I added a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in order to secure the LAN network from the unauthorized access. If the File server was implemented within the DMZ, it may vulnerable to the threats and there may have a possibility of information thefts. Therefore I implemented the File Server far away from the DMZ and its secured with two highly configured firewalls. Though someone can get into the DMZ in order to access the Web Server, he/she cannot penetrate the other firewall without proper authenticate information. All the co mputers within the Banks network can access the WEB server and File server according to their assigned privileges. Other agents and branches have rights to access the banks network (using Router to Router connection). Even though the VPN Routers and Firewalls (Hardware) are much expensive, they provide a great security to the Bank network. In order to reduce the software cost I recommend free and open source software for both servers and clients such as Linux, Open Office and etc. Hardware and Software required to implement the banks VPN According to my VPN design I need several kinds of software and hardware to implement the network. Therefore Ive chosen some products to which supports for VPN. Some products are little bit expensive but provide high security and reliable service to the banks network. When choosing the software to the network implementation, Ive chosen some widely needed software. Hardware VPN Router SMC Barricade VPN BR21VPN Router SMCBR21VPN The Barricade router which has built-in VPN support is an ideal networking solution for VPN. This router consists of load balancing WAN ports, DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) port and a 10/100 LAN port. It has a built in firewall to protect the network from the edge. This router supports protocols such as TCP/IP, VPN connections with PPTP and IPSec. The in-built firewall provides a great protection against DOS attacks (Denial of Service attacks) and also it provides flexible Access Control. This router has the ability to access remote corporate network securely through an authenticated and encrypted tunnel over the internet. Switch NetGear Pro-Safe switch is suitable for high-speed network on a small scale. This switch consists of five auto-speed-sensing 10/100/1000 Mbps UTP ports. And also this it has the capability to handle huge workloads (this feature is more useful because of the Web Server is connected to this switch within my VPN design). This switch can move large files across the network instantly and let devices to connect to the network painlessly. The metal chassis protects the interior working parts from physical damages. Hub Cisco FastHub 424 Ethernet Hub (WS-C424M) The CISCO FastHub 424 10/100 of high-performance Fast Ethernet repeaters deliver unmatched flexibility and low-cost managed connectivity to the desktop. The FastHub 424 10/100 provides ultra low-cost 10/100 autosensing desktop connectivity where dedicated bandwidth is not required. The FastHub 424 will be deployed as a high-performance solution for providing 10/100 Fast Ethernet connectivity to the desktop. This hub provides dedicated connections over extended distance (up to 2Kms) to upstream switches or routers. Firewall NetGear ProSafe FVS338 Firewall supports for 50 VPN Tunnels for Encrypted Remote Access. This VPN firewall with 8 Port 10/100 switch and Dial Back-up is an SNMP-Manageable, High Performance network solution that furnishes multidimensional security. Broadband capable VPN firewall comes with connection ins

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

All Good Things Must Come to an End Essay

The amazing thing about literature is that it can be interrupted differently by each person who reads it. Which means that while one piece of writing is amazing, creative, and witty to one person to another person it could be the most boring, uninteresting, and redundant piece of literature they have ever read. In this semester of Literature 221, I was given the opportunity to read works from many different genres, time periods, and styles of writing. Some of which, like Emily Dickinson’s Life I and Life XLIII, Joyce Carol Oates’ Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, and Sherman Alexie’s What You Pawn I Will Redeem I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from. While others such as Ernest Hemingway’s Big Two-Hearted River, Mark Twain’s excerpt When The Buffalo Climbed a Tree from Roughing It, and the excerpt from Sula by Toni Morrison weren’t exactly my cup of tea. Emily Dickinson is a remarkable poet who often writes from a very emotional and self-examining perspective. This is why I really enjoyed the two selections of her work we had to read this semester. In her first poem Life I, the very first two lines make you stop and think, â€Å"I’M nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too?† (Dickinson 2) Bam! I was hit in the face with self-reflection. Am I somebody? Or am I a nobody? Emily Dickinson continues by saying â€Å"how dreary to be somebody!† (Dickinson2 ) as if to be somebody is a bad thing. I love that Emily Dickinson questions the ideology of having to be surrounded by people and having to constantly be in a spotlight. Every move that you make is questioned and examined by people. Instead of being able to live for yourself and for your own happiness you are forced to live by the way society sees you. It made me see that maybe it truly is better to be a happy, content nobody. In her poem Life XLIII, Dickinson again made me pause and self-reflect but this time on the beauty of the human mind and it’s capabilities. In this poem she states that the brain is â€Å"wider than the  sky†, â€Å"deeper than the sea†, and â€Å"is just the weight of God† (Dickinson 3). The sky, the sea, and God. Three powerful, endless, and even omnipotent to the human eye and yet the brain is more than that because it has the capability to imagine all of it. You can hold images of God, the sea, and God all in your mind. Dickson wrote these poems with such beautiful imagery that really does make a reader stop and think. This is why her works are among my favorite reads from this semester. Joyce Carol Oates brought a real life serial killer to life in her tale Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Based off the actual murders of Charles Howard Schmid Jr., Oates tells the story of Arnold Friend and a young girl named Connie and the events that would eventually lead up to Connie’s murder. I loved this tale because Oates gave a real voice to the real life victims of Schmid. While an article by the Daily News stated that, â€Å"Despite his creepiness, ladies loved Smitty† (citation here news article) in Oates’ tale it was made evident that Connie wanted nothing to do with Friend and instead she tried to call the cops and even told him to â€Å"Get the hell out of here!† (Oates 340) When I read a tragic news article I will feel sorrow for the victim and their families for a moment and then go on with my life and forget about them. Yet when I read a piece of work that captures my soul and really moves me to feel emotionally about a character as if they were a real person, I can recall them for years afterwards. Oates’ made me feel for Connie because she gave her a background of a beautiful girl with a mother who disapproved of all she did and constantly compared her to her more homely sister, June. â€Å"Why don’t you keep your room clean like your sister? How’ve you got your hair ?xed—what the hell stinks? Hair spray? You don’t see your sister using that junk.† (Oates 333) A girl that may have been desperate for love and attention. Suddenly, in my mind, Oates’ has not only weaved a haunting tale of young, naive girl who made mistakes and talked to the wrong stranger on the wrong day but she also made me feel for the real life victims of Schmid. Suddenly they became more than just names on a page and their names, Alleen Rowe, Gretchen and Wendy Fritz, will foreve r be in my mind and probably countless others who have read her work and know who it was based on. While Oates’ is a talented writer and her words were beautifully written the reason her piece stands out as one of my  favorites of this semester were for the deeper meaning and the legacy she left for the victims of a cruel, sick, twisted man. A reader cannot help but root for a character who has redeemable qualities despite whatever odd, crude, or socially unacceptable behavior they may exhibit. Such is the case in my final favorite piece of writing from this semester, Sherman Alexie’s What You Pawn I Will Redeem. In this tale of a homeless, alcoholic, money floundering Spokane, Washington Native American Indian named Jackson Jackson, a reader cannot help but fall in love with his spirit of never-ending generosity and unbreakable ties with tradition and family. Alexie’s particular style of writing gave light to Jackson’s seemingly uncaring, lazy, and unapologetically unmotivated he attitude in a way that a reader cannot help but find just a little bit comical. It is written in first person from the rambling mind of Jackson and lines such as â€Å"Piece by piece, I disappeared. And I’ve been disappearing ever since. But I’m not going to tell you any more about my brain or my soul† (citation here page 401) made me laugh out lou01d at the standoffish behavior of this character. Jackson was unable to maintain a job, any of his marriages, or his relationships with his children. In fact, the only thing he did seem capable of maintaining was a constant drunken stupor throughout the entire tale. Yet when he came upon his Grandmother’s stolen regalia at a local pawn shop he was determined to find a way to raise the $999 needed to rebuy this long lost family heirloom and return it to its rightful place. Each time he managed to earn or was gifted money for his mission he could not help but immediately spend it. However he was never selfish with his spending. He made sure that whatever he was given he shared with his fellow Indian. Never even coming close to making the necessary money to buy it make but still I found myself cheering him on. Because of his generosity, I was rooting for him to find a way to purchase back that precious connection to his family. And in the end, despite never actually managing to acquire the necessary cash, the pawn owner returned the regalia to Jackson, and I inwardly rejoicing in his success. And Alexie captured the moral for me in this thought, â€Å"Do you know how many good men live in this world? Too many to count!† (Alexie 415) A lexie challenged the stereotypes of a good person because he showed that even a drunken person who is unsuccessful in every  societal standard can be a good person because he is a kind, generous soul. This is the reason why this is another of my favorites from this semester’s readings. When thinking of a literary legend a name like Ernest Hemingway often comes to mind, yet in this semester’s reading of Big Two-Hearted River, Mr. Hemingway missed the mark for me. While I appreciate the concept of a post-war soldier suffering from PTSD, I had a hard time really getting into this piece. Hemingway’s commonly used iceberg principle style of writing was apparent in this piece with its overall lack of a substantial plot and its seemingly never-ending descriptions of just about everything. It is just not a style that appealed to me as a reader. I found it boring and extremely long. The symbolism was often obscured by the unnecessary descriptions of the surrounding scenery. â€Å"On the left, where the meadow ended and the woods began, a great elm tree was uprooted. Gone over in a storm, it lay back into the woods, its roots clotted with dirt, grass growing in them, rising a solid bank beside the stream. The river cut to the edge of the uprooted tree.† (Hemingway 262) It just seemed excessive and unneeded to me. While this is definitely one of my least favorite of this semester’s readings, I have to say that Hemingway was a beautiful wordsmith who could make you feel as though you were part of the story. In this sentence, â€Å"He sat on the logs, smoking, drying in the sun, the sun warm on his back, the river shallow ahead entering the woods, curving into the woods, shallows, light glittering, big water-smooth rocks, cedars along the bank and white birches, the logs warm in the sun, smooth to sit on, without bark, gray to the touch; slowly the feeling of disappointment left him† (Hemingway 262) you can practically feel the heat of the sun on your back and the relief that Nick feels as if a burden was lifted from your own chest. This story had some beautiful imagery overall though it was just not a tale I enjoyed reading. Mark Twain is an inspirational writer with amazing talent and has written some remarkable classics. However, the excerpt from Roughing It When the Buffalo Climbed a Tree, will not be joining my list of his beloved masterpieces. Instead I found this fictional account tedious to read and found myself drifting off to sleep while at the same time trying to  understand the particular vernacular used in this piece. The narrator of the majority of this tale was a character named Bemis whose style of speech was rambling and over-the-top. For example, â€Å"Well, I was first out on his neck – the horse’s, not the bull’s—and then underneath, and next on his rump, and sometimes head up, and sometimes heels—but I tell you it seemed solemn and awful to be ripping and tearing and carrying on so in the presence of death, as you might say.† (Twain 16) I can just imagine Bemis being this rambling, fool telling this ridiculous story with no ending in sight. It was just exhausting and mindless drivel that did not succeed in making me think about anything substantial or self-reflect which are qualities I rather enjoy when reading. I understand that according to Mark Twain, â€Å"to string incongruities and absurdities together in a wandering and sometimes purposeless way, and seem innocently unaware that they absurdities, is the basis of American art†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Twain 13) and he accomplished that task beautifully. Nevertheless, it is just not a style that appealed to me and I struggled to enjoy reading this story. This semester was my first time reading any of Toni Morrison’s works. The excerpt from Sula was all of over the map for me. I had a hard time deciphering any real plot. It started off with two 12 years old girls walking through town and getting objectified by the men in the town. And if it wasn’t bad enough that two young girls were being gawked at by grown men, the girls actually seemed to enjoy it. â€Å"So, when he said â€Å"pig meat† as Nel and Sula passed, they guarded their eyes lest someone see their delight.† (Morrison 346) That line made my skin crawl with utter disgust. Then suddenly the girls are playing near a lake when a young boy named Chicken Little ends up drowning before their very eyes and their only reaction was â€Å"Nel spoke ?rst. ‘Somebody saw.’† (Morrison 351) I had a hard time reading a story about such loss of innocence at such a young age. Morrison’s writing was beautiful and captivating. The only reas on this makes my least favorites list from this semester was I just genuinely felt sick the entire I was reading it. Completely horrified by these young girls lives and saddened by the fact that many girls’ lives of this time period were like this. This semester of Literature 221 was full of amazing pieces of writing. Tales  that completely delighted, inspired, and captured my heart like those from Emily Dickinson, Joyce Carol Oates, and Sherman Alexie. As well as others who, for me, just did none of those things such as those from Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, and Toni Morrison. Overall I really enjoyed this class. I felt as though most of the forums gave me the opportunity to share my thoughts on each piece as well as opened my eyes to different perspectives. If I could give any constructive criticism it would be that sometimes I felt as if I could not quite meet expectations in the essay requirements because I felt as though they were not clearly stated. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this class and I feel as though I learned a lot. It definitely has made me look forward to taking other literature classes in the future. Works Cited Alexie, Sherman. â€Å"What You Pawn I Will Redeem† American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 401-415. e-Book. Works Cited Dickinson, Emily. â€Å"Life I & XLIII American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 2-3. e-Book. Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Big Two Hearted River.† American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 253-264. E-book. Morrison, Toni. â€Å"From Sula.† American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 346-354. e-Book. Oates, Joyce Carol. â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 333-344. e-Book. Twain, Mark. â€Å"From Roughing It. When The Buffalo Climbed a Tree.† American Literature Since the Civil War. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 16-18. e-Book. Twain, Mark. â€Å"How To Tell a Story† American Literature Since the Civil W ar. Create edition. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 12-15. e-Book.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discrimination in Labor

In the case of Sarah Crone vs. United Parcel Service, Inc. , decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, the court decided against the complainant, and held that there was lack of evidence to show that the employer was discriminatory in not considering her for the promotion. In said case Crone, a dispatcher of the employer corporation wanted to be promoted to the dispatcher supervisor position, when the said position became available.However, she was not promoted because the Department Manager and the Division Manager feared she might not be able to deal with confrontations, which are necessarily attached to the supervisory position. For Crone, this ground was discriminatory on account of sex. According to the court, Crone was unable to show that the company’s reason was a mere pretext to cover up its discriminatory purpose. (Crone v. UPS, Inc. , 2002).The issue of discrimination can indeed be raised in this case, considering that it initially appears that Crone was not considered for promotion merely because of some trait that the managers ascribed to her on account of her being a woman. It should be noted that discrimination exists where distinctions are made, â€Å"in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. (Dictionary. com). Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws prohibit all sorts of discriminatory practices of employers, which include making â€Å"employment decisions based on stereotypes or assumptions about the abilities, traits, or performance of individuals of a certain sex, race, age, religion, or ethnic group, or individuals with disabilities. † (Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws).These EEO laws, which have been passed in most states, enjoin companies to provide equal employment opportunity to all their employees, without regard to irrelevant characteristics such as age, religion and sex. EEO laws, having been based on the fundamental principle of fairness, urges companies to allow equal opportunity for employees to succeed. (Fair Measures). Following these laws, therefore, the company’s decision to choose another person over Crone falls within the category of employment decisions that should not be tainted with discriminatory considerations.However, it cannot be said that the court’s decision in this case in dismissing the complaint could lead to unlawful excuses for discrimination in other settings, because the ruling was not a statement of a policy favoring the creation of biases against women. The ruling was based on facts. The company was able to substantiate its defense that it was justified in finding Crone unqualified for the position because of her lack of necessary skills to deal with confrontations, which evaluation was supported by an occasion where Crone came close to tears while a driver became confrontational with her.Thus, the court upheld the ruling in Kiel v. Select Artificials, Inc. , 169 F. 3d 1131, 1136 (8th Cir. ) (en banc), cert. denied, 528 U. S. 818 (1999), which said, â€Å"In the absence of any evidence of discriminatory intent, however, it is not the prerogative of the courts or jury to sit in judgment of employers’ management decisions. † (Crone v. UPS, Inc. , 2002). Thus, it would be premature to conclude that this decision veers away from the policy against discrimination, as it is clear that the company’s decision was based on cold facts.This writer believes that the above case does not require elaborate changes in the present EEO structure, as there is no danger of discrimination, provided that the law’s nuances and policy are carefully followed. The law provides for instances that could be considered discrimination. In the absence of sufficient proof of such discrimination, the law is correct in providing equal protection to employers who have the right to man age their business in accordance with their preferences.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay Essay Example

Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay Essay Example Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay Essay Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay Essay Introduction: The writer of the Book of Amos is identified as the prophesier Amos. Amos was the first prophesier in the Bible whose message was recorded at length. Although he came from a town in Judah, he preached to the people of the northern land of Israel, about the center of the 8th century B.C. The Book was likely written between 760 and 753 B.C. As a shepherd and a fruit chooser from the Judean small town of Tekoa, he was called by God, even though he lacks an instruction or a priestly background. His mission is directed to his neighbor to the North, Israel. It was a clip of great prosperity, noteworthy spiritual piousness, and evident security. But Amos saw that prosperity was limited to the wealthy, and that it fed on unfairness and on subjugation of the hapless. Amos ministry takes topographic point while Jeroboam II reign over Israel, and Uzziah reigns over Judah. Amos can see beneath Israel s external prosperity and power ; internally the state is corrupt to the nucleus. In short, they had forgotten what it meant to follow God. Amos took his sturdy message straight to the spiritual governments of his twenty-four hours, alternatively of listening to him, they threw him out. In the same manner that Amos challenged the Israelites to reconsider their precedences, he challenges us in the flood tide to his book, and reminds us of what God wants ( Amos 5:24 ) . In this essay, I wish to compose an debut on the Book of Amos. Background and Meaning of Amos: The Book of Amos is set in a clip when the people of Israel have reached a low point in their devotedness to God. The people have become greedy and have stopped following and adhering to their values. The people in Amos clip expected the day of the Lord to be a field day ; but Amos pointed a different image of ineluctable panic. Scholars have understood Amos image of Yahweh go throughing through the thick of the people of Israel as an allusion ; to his go throughing through Egypt. They make mention in this respect to ( Exodus 12:12 ) . For I will go through through the thick of you ; says Yahweh. Harmonizing to Amos, Israel is guilty of unfairness toward the inexperienced person, hapless and immature adult females. As penalty Yahweh s retribution would be directed against Israel, and the prophesier warns his audience ; Is non the twenty-four hours of the Lord darkness in it ( Amos 5:20 ) . The day of the Lord was widely celebrated and extremely anticipated by the followings of God. Amos came to state the people that the day of the Lord was coming shortly and that it meant godly opinion and justness for their wickednesss. Structure and Subject: The nine chapters of the Book of Amos stress one cardinal subject. The people o the state of Israel has broken their compact with God, and his opinion against their wickedness will be terrible. In the first major subdivision of the book, Amos begins with seize with teething words of opinion against the six states environing the lands of Judah and Israel. These states are Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and Moab. Next he announces God s opinion against Judah, Israel s sister state to the South ; and because of Israel s resentment toward Judah ; Amos hearer must hold greeted this call of day of reckoning with pleasant understanding. Further, the 2nd major subdivision of the book of Amos is the prophesier s three seize with teething discourses of opinion against the state of Israel ( 3:1 6:14 ) . He referred to the wealthy, luxury-seeking adult females of Samaria the capital metropolis of Israel as cattles of Bashan ( Amos 4:1 ) . He besides attacked the system of graven image worship which king Jeroboam II had established in the metropoliss of Bethel and Gilgal ( Amos 4:4, 5:5 ) . The state of affairs clearly called for a brave prophesier who could name the state back to reliable religion, every bit good as a policy of equity and justness in their traffics with their fellow citizens. In the 3rd major subdivision, the prophesier Amos presents five visions of God s nearing opinion. The prophesier s vision of a basket of fruit is peculiarly in writing. Amos described the state of Israel as a basket of summer fruit, connoting that it would shortly botch and rut in the vesiculation Sun of God s opinion ( 8:1 14 ) . Amos unquestioning obeisance and his clear announcement of God s message show that he was committed to the Lord, and His rules of sanctity and righteousness comes through clearly in the book. Amos made it kick that Israel would be judged badly unless the people turned from their wickedness and looked to the one true God for strength and counsel. The Book of Amos ends on a positive, optimistic note. Amos predicted that the people of Israel would be restored to their particular topographic point in God s service after their season of opinion had come to an terminal ( Amos 9:11-15 ) . This note of hope is characteristic of the Hebrew Prophetss ; they pointed to a glorious hereafter for God s people, even in the thick of dark times. Evaluation: The Book of Amos is one of the most facile calls for justness and righteousness to be found in the Bible. It came through a low shepherd who dared to present God s message to the wealthy and influential people of his twenty-four hours. Amos lived up to his name as he declared God s message of opinion in dramatic manner to a iniquitous and disobedient people. Amos message is merely every bit seasonably for our universe, since God still places a higher value on justness and righteousness. Amos spoke because the Lord had called him to present His message of opinion. This is one of the clearest statement of irresistible impulse of the Godhead call to be found in the Bible. Decision: Amos is known as the great prophet of righteousness of the Old Testament. His book underlines the rule that faith demands righteous behaviors. True faith is non a affair of detecting feast yearss, offering burned offerings, and idolizing at sanctuary, but reliable worship consequences in changed behavior, seeking God s will, handling others with justness and following God s bid. A positive spirit, which issued from Amos deep religion in God sustained the prophesier and gave him hope for the hereafter. This great penetration is summarized by these words from the prophesier. Let justness tally like H2O and righteousness like a mighty watercourse ( 5:24 ) . Although Amos was a shepherd by business, his book gives grounds of careful literary workmanship. The technique which the prophesier used was puns or dramas on words to drive place his message. For illustration when the prophesier negotiations about the summer fruit suggest the terminal of the land of Israel ; like ripe summer fruit, Israel was mature for God s opinion.