Sunday, November 24, 2019

Are we living in an Age of Empire

Are we living in an Age of Empire The term â€Å"Empire† has a common meaning of the notion of a state headed by an emperor or a monarch together with culturally distinct people. The most salient political in the empire were customarily between noble elite and the lower. An Empire is a systematically organized governing organ that formulates and amends state’s policies. Empires act as a bridge between the government and its colonies in overseas countries. An Empire play a significant role in the importation and exportation of products.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Are we living in an Age of Empire? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An empire can be an official or casual association, in which a nation rules the political dominion of another government. An empire is earned through dictating. It is also achieved by using supreme power, taking sides, unions, fiscal manipulations and communal or literal reliance. Imperialism is any course of action together with martial belligerence through which a state builds and implements its authorities over other countries. Imperialism is the segregation and sustenance of an economical, cultural, and defensive affiliation between two or more countries. The primary objective of modern imperialism is to face out slavery, which act as a way manipulating and employing free labor in abroad countries. Imperialism is the act of emphasizing and investing in the local economy in order to increase the output and earning per capita in the country. This will help the state to exercise her political rule over other states to control and dictate their markets. Examples of empires include Akkadian, Babylonian, Bornao, British, Egyptian, Median, Ottoman,Oyo, Roman and the Soviet Empire. The British Empire has remained the single source of investment before the Second World War. The export of capital from Britain for investment in colonial territories was estimated to be roughly five percent of earning per capita in the period between 1871 and 1915. The averaged national income increased to six percent between the periods 1904 to 1914. It later increased to ten percent in the subsequent years. The British Empire ruled many overseas countries. South American was a British and its counties include Falklands Island and British Guiana. Honduras is a Central American state which colonized by the British. West Indian countries such as Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, Grenada, Bahamas and Bermuda made up the British Empire. Some Africa states such as Gambia, South Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Sierra Leon, Nigeria and Gambia were colonized by the British. Indian Oceans counties such as Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and Ascension made up the British Empire. Pacific Islands consisting of Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Tonga and Fiji were British colonies. Other countries include Hong Kong, Singapore, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, New Zealand, Ca nada and Australia.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More British imported more commodities from overseas. She exported less and her expenditure was more than the income. This led to an existence of a trade deficit between imports and exports. The British Empire played a key role in reclaiming the economic instability by reducing the trade deficit. The empire controlled the inflow of goods from India. The imperial government had the mandate to dictate, force the citizens to pay taxes and lay siege to the industries. The governors stopped the boats, disrespect their economic, social, cultural and personal rights. The British Empire promised to maintain a well-equipped Navy before declaring war. The governors claimed that if they did not set free the territories of their Indian and American associates from the French imperialism, their land and wealth would be compromised or taken. Th e British Empire controlled the whole of Indian land and other hundred of thousands of people in the overseas. A combination of economic factors and the strong navy enabled Britain to emerge as Europe’s strongest nation. The Roman Empire consisted of three spheres. The first sphere is the outer ring of the frontier province in which the defensive armies were stationed. There was an inner ring of relatively rich tax-exporting provinces such as Egypt, Syria, Minor, Asia, Northern Africa, Southern Gaul and Spain. The Roman Empire also had a Center ring consisting of the city of Rome and Italy, the seat of the court and of the central government, which like the armies of the frontiers, consumed large volume of taxes. The Roman Empire model implies an increased monetization of the Roman economy, the commercialization of the Roman exchange rate, and elongation of the links between producers and consumers. The growth of the bankers, shippers, and traders propelled the level of urban ization. Even as the sphere of monopoly enlarged, the Roman Empire had no influence on the printing of money and minting of silver coins by the conquered states. In the 70Bc, Spain began using Roman coins as a means of exchange. Some trade agreements include Bilateral, Multilateral, regional (NAFTA and EU), non-regional (AESAN) and Global (from GAAT to WTO). The roles of World Trade Organization (WTO) include promoting world trade, providing a framework for trade negotiations and providing a mechanism for resolution of trade disputes. The United States of America holds seventeen percent of the total votes required to make changes. The U.S therefore, plays a key role in voting in favor or against trade agreements or disputes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Are we living in an Age of Empire? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The United States has voted against new international agreements and rejected the unilateral v iolation of old agreements. Agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol on climate and the international criminal court go against the interest of humans and therefore, they have been rejected. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a firm owned by a hundred and eighty-eight states trading together in order to enhance international economic cooperation, stabilize the fiscal and monetary aspects, promote global trade, increase employment level, boost economic progress, and face out deficiency around the world. The World Bank is a global financial institution that seeks to provide financial and technical assistance to the underdeveloped countries. The mission of the bank is to reduce poverty. The period between1997 and 1998, a research showed that African countries’ gross domestic product paid to the International Monetary Fund was estimated to be nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This was comparatively more than what the bank loaned to the continent. In 1998, internationall y underdeveloped nations owed the lenders from private banks to the World Bank approximately three trillion dollars. In 1997, the countries owed a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Unless the International Monetary Fund approves or adheres to the economic policies recommended, the underdeveloped nations may not automatically get the money they borrowed from the lenders. Some countries have been classified as poor and relentlessly indebted low incomers. Most of these counties are found in the sub-Saharan Africa. The gross domestic product increased from twenty-eight percent to Chad in the year 1987 to sixty percent in the year 1997. Tanzania’s budget is greatly diminished by the payment money owed to various lenders. This is estimated to be five times greater than the country’s expenditure on the primary education. The life expectancy in Niger is forty-seven years. Niger’s expenditure on the payment of debt is greater than the expenditure on education and medica tion. The sub-Saharan countries expenditure on the payment of debt is five times more than the expenditure on medication. The United States of America has a great military influence. U.S regulates global policies by using commands. It has implemented a strong navy in the sea to monitor the movement of sea vessels and fight pirates. The U.S has promised sustenance of the counties lying from Korea to Israel.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The U.S controls the global economy and the balance of trade. The U.S fulfills the needs of everyone in the world. The budget of the American military has been high with a gross domestic of five percent. This is high, compared to other economies for example China, Britain, Japan whose gross domestic products are two percent, three percent and one percent respectively. George W. Bush said the United States of America is a country dedicated delivering freedom to everyone despite the background affiliations. He said that America do not have any intentions to establish an Empire It is true that we are living in an age if empire. This is because of the decentralized system of governance, large flows of trade or large scale of inter-regional flows, the transfer of resources from the periphery to the centre, specialization, circulation of different currencies, and huge military spending and application of force by the governments.

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