Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Angel Garcia\s Recommendation Letter Essays (392 words) - Fiction

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter of recommendation for Angel Garcia who is an applicant for your program for the Fall of 2018 semester. I had the distinct pleasure of serving as one of Angel's English instructors. I have evaluated several hundred students for awards, honors, admissions, etc., and feel that I can appropriately contextualize Angel's aptitude for advanced study. In my opinion, he is worthy of your most serious consideration. He has the strength of character, intellect, persistence and initiative to succeed in a challenging intellectual and cultural environment; further, he will enhance any cohort fortunate enough to include him. We were fortunate that he spent his high school years w ith us at Westchester Square Academy in the Bronx because he made every group he was in just a little bit better by virtue of his quiet, modeled excellence. I recommend him without reservation. I had the good fortune of seeing Angel excel in various phase s of his life here at Westchester Square Academy. I was one of his instructors during his junior year of high school where he earned high grades. During my time with Angel in the classroom it was clear that he was focused on his goals and was willing to wo rk very hard to succeed. He stood out because he was respectful, but determined. Some of Angel's academic credentials include maintaining a 3.5 GPA as well as achieving high honor roll throughout his years in high school. Angel's outstanding academic cred entials are matched by his commitment to school, and this engagement is what made him such a valuable member of our little world. In the community, Angel has participated in various walks to support a cause. There is nothing he involved himself here that didn't benefit from his involvement. We are lucky that people like Angel are able to learn and grow in our school, and your program will only make him stronger. I fully support Angel Garcia's application for admission. I know you will have many qualified applicants, but your choice of Angel will reflect very well on your careful screening process. Please contact me if I can further support this estimable young scholar. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Aquino English Teacher 347-944-2906 [emailprotected]

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