Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociology Deviant Essay - 1461 Words

Being Deviant for a Day In this project I decided to be over-talkative in the sense that whenever someone spoke to me and asked how I was doing or what was new in my life, I would go above and beyond what they probably were expecting me to do so. So for me being a deviant in this way made perfect sense because I normally don’t talk much about myself, more of a listener than anything. I started everything out by going about my normal day, errands and going to my college classes. So I went to Wal-Mart of all places and not even five minutes into my shopping there I ran into two friends that I haven’t seen in a long time, and of course they said, â€Å"So how have you been? Anything new going on in your life?† So I went into the deviance†¦show more content†¦So that we don’t loose touch again!† Major shock to me I was expecting that they would’ve said something more along the lines of â€Å"Dang girl, I didn’t think you woul d talk that much† or â€Å"You talked my ear off, I don’t like it when you talk so much!† But everyone was very understanding about everything, what I said about being pregnant again they gave me encouraging words that since I’m doing so well with my daughter now that I will do even better with my son when he arrives. Also that I’m a great mother and even though yes it is stressful I will make it through it all. As for how I felt during this whole experiment I just didn’t feel right, as in the sense that I normally don’t speak that much about myself at all. So for me being a deviant in this way made perfect sense because I normally I am more of a listener than anything. At first I didn’t know if I was even going to be able to pull this deviant behavior off. It was hard for me to keep a straight face, I kept laughing cause it just not me to talk so much. It was pretty funny that I acted so much like someone else. But later on I noticed that it was nice to do something different, it gave me a whole new perspective on things. Made me think about how I am with my friends when they are talking to me. Made me more aware of how I respond not only verbally but also non-verbally, because as I experienced it was crucial how I perceived how everyone reacted to me. I learned that theShow MoreRelatedSocial Deviance : A Sociological Perspective On Deviant And Criminal Behavior Within Sociology1160 Words   |  5 Pagesapproaches to understanding deviant and criminal behavior within sociology. Labeling theory begins with the assumption that no act is intrinsically criminal. 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