Monday, October 7, 2019

Social life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social life - Research Paper Example Around 30 or 40 years before, most of the women satisfied with their homely assignments of looking after the children and the family matters. But the development of science and technology and the changing life styles encouraged the women to think in terms of finding an employment for gaining more financial freedom. Earlier, women relied heavily on men for their personal expenses and in many cases they were forced to suppress their needs because of the difficulties in getting money from the men. The over dominance of men in family, social and professional matters forced the women to change their attitudes towards employment and many of them started to come out from the kitchen to join the companies as employees to get more professional and financial freedom. This paper analyses the Economic incentives which have motivated women to continue to participate in the Labour Market. In many countries, the rapid economic growth was due largely to important growth in the manufacturing and services sectors, where substantial and proportionally larger increase of female workers has been registered† (WOMENS PARTICIPATION IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, p.1). Traditionally, women were forced to confine their activities within the boundaries of the kitchen or family as the men dominate the women community. Women enjoyed less freedom in financial matters since the men were the ones who earned money for meeting the family expenses. Even though, the women community worked hard in the kitchen or in the home, their jobs were marked as the nonproductive ones and they earned no financial rewards for their hard work. On the other hand, men earned money for their hard work and hence they normally spent the money in their own ways neglecting the needs of the women. For example, men spent lot of money for smoking, drinking etc like enjoyment purposes whereas the women were depriv ed of such enjoyments because of the lack of financial rewards they were getting for their hard work. In

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